Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Thought -- Leo Tolstoy

"The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity."
-Leo Tolstoy

Bearing One Another's Burdens

"[We all face] dangers and hardships. . . . [But] there will be 'angels round about you, to bear you up' (D&C 84:88).

They will sustain us as we carry our earthly burdens. Often in our lives, those angels are the people around us, the people who love us, those who allow themselves to be instruments in the Lord's hands.

"President Spencer W. Kimball said, 'God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom' ("There is Purpose in Life," New Era, Sept. 1974, 5)."

Topic: Service

(Susan W. Tanner, "All Things Shall Work Together for Your Good," Ensign, May 2004, 106)

Friday, July 27, 2007

ATV Trip with Wheelers

Tonight starts with an oil change for both vehicles at Dan's.

At the Timble Fork staging area

Off we go as of course I am bringing up the rear

We reach an end to the current road
Luckily there are more roads

Dan heads back

Pretty road ahead

Tyler and Ryan

Back down the road we have just traveled

Me and Tyler at the highest point in our venture

Sunset, can you see the moon??

Sunset again

Ryan and Dan

We started back too late and took an difficult
road back thinking it would be faster
This made it so much of our return was in the dark

Loading up ATV's for return

Dan is smiling inside the helmet

This was a great adventure. I am extremely sore but the sore is worth it. Grateful to Dan for helping with the oil and filter changes. He even packed the bearings on my trailer as an added bonus. Been three years since that has been done. Well it is late and I guess I do need to retire. Did I say I was dirty from head to toe as I was at the tail end of the group and the road was very dusty. Dust even made it to my under garments.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Meservy Family REUNION -- Day Two

Meservy Family REUNION -- Day Two (Dans ATV Trip)

On day two of the family reunion Dan took a group (see last picture) out on a major trip. The all came back a little dusty but as the water pictures below illustrate they had some fun too. Some of the girls got the biggest splashes . . . .

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Meservy Family REUNION -- Day One

Trip to the Scoffield reservoir

Cabin we stayed in . . . . Thanks to Jileen and Mark

Family Photo

Family Photo (Humorous)

Ready to ROLL

Grammie, Marcia and Mark

Katrina and Alexa

4 Wheeling

Marcia and Dan


4 Wheeling Scenery

Jileen, Mark and Drew

Lynda, Grammie, and Brighton

The Group

Mark was first on the program

Grammie's ancestor quiz and stories

Grandpa shares his love, testimony and
desires for each of posterity