Sunday, July 01, 2007

Kaylee Blessing Day

Thought I would post the pictures from Sunday and will come back and label all of them later. I can say now that it was wonderful day for a Grandpa. Very rewarding. . . .

It was good to see family and friends. It was also good to return to the church that we attended for 21 years. Many good friends there and many pleasant memories. Cara and Jeff had us go to all the meetings instead of ditching out for dinner after just one meeting. Most of the visitors stayed. Cara had planned and put together a great meal. Probably the furthest travelers were Don (Geri's brother) and Darlene McKenkie who were in town for a grandsons wedding. Don has made some great efforts to stay in touch with us the last few years and it has been appreciated.

I guess I should share one story because it was so neat. Early Sunday morning Cara had a visitor drop by. Cara answered the door and was told that a baby blanket and a small bracelet were on her front step. Both were beautiful as you will see in the following pictures. Some anonymous person did a very good thing and brought some happiness into our lives. It is always wonderful to be the recipient of such a loving act. So whoever it was out there. Thank you so much.

Great grandpa and grandma Meservy

Great grandma Roper

Alyssa and Kaylee

Brighton and Kaylee

Sarah and Kaylee

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