Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Footprints On Our Hearts

Some people come into our lives and
quickly go. Some people move our souls to
dance. They awaken us to new understanding
with the passing whisper of their wisdom,
and make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
Some people stay in our lives awhile, leave
footprints on our hearts, and we are
never, ever the same.

(Found on the front of Alyssa's Journal)

A Time To Serve

"Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save."

(Thomas S. Monson, "How Firm a Foundation," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 68)

Monday, January 29, 2007

A Most Valuable Lesson

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly."

(Thomas Huxley, "Life 101", by John-Roger & Peter McWilliams, p. 202)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

United in Righteousness

"I have learned over the years that the strength in a quorum doesn't come from the number of priesthood holders in it. Nor does it come automatically from the age and maturity of the members. Rather, the strength of a quorum comes in large measure from how completely its members are united in righteousness. That unity in a strong quorum of the priesthood is not like anything I have experienced in an athletic team or club or any other organization in the world."

(Henry B. Eyring, "A Priesthood Quorum," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 43)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Challenges Are Growth Experiences

"The challenges you face, the growth experiences you encounter, are intended to be temporary scenes played out on the stage of a life of continuing peace and happiness. Sadness, heartache, and disappointment are events in life. It is not intended that they be the substance of life. I do not minimize how hard some of these events can be. When the lesson you are to learn is very important, trials can extend over a long period of time, but they should not be allowed to become the confining focus of everything you do. Your life can and should be wondrously rewarding. It is your understanding and application of the laws of God that will give your life glorious purpose as you ascend and conquer the difficulties of life. That perspective keeps challenges confined to their proper place--stepping-stones to further growth and attainment."

Topics: adversity, happiness, growth

(Richard G. Scott, "The Atonement Can Secure Your Peace and Happiness," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 41)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Proud of my son in law. . . .

There times in a persons life that they are so proud of those they associate with. These times are especially wonderful when the pride is in relation to a family member. I am proud of all my kids but this day I am especially proud of my wonderful daughter Cara and her loving husband Jeff. They are such an example for each of us of the joys that come from being good husband and wife and great parents. Not only that they are so good at being an example and teaching each of their children.

Today Jeff just accepted an opportunity serve in the leadership of their local ward organization as a counselor to the Bishop in the Mountain View 3rd ward in the Mountain View Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In the picture
Front Row: Jeff Ray, Bishop Nolan Gerber, Trevor Peters
Back Row: Kent McCleary, Randy Richards

Picture was taken shortly after their ordination in the high council meeting room of the Mountain View Stake. 1/21/2007

Suffering to be Compensated

"No pang that is suffered by man or woman upon the earth will be without its compensating effect . . . if it is met with patience."

(Elder James E. Talmage, Teachings of the Prophets of the Church -- Spencer W. Kimball, 16)

Friday, January 19, 2007

True Greatness

"There are some among us who are unhappy with their lives because they have wanted to achieve a measure of greatness in this life but now feel they have failed in some fundamental way. . . . "[Joseph F. Smith wrote:] 'Those things which we call extraordinary, remarkable, or unusual may make history, but they do not make real life.

" 'After all, to do well those things which God ordained to be the common lot of all mankind, is the truest greatness. To be a successful father or a successful mother is greater than to be a successful general or a successful statesman.' (Juvenile Instructor, 15 Dec. 1905, p. 752.) . . .

"True greatness is never a result of a chance occurrence or a one-time effort or achievement. It requires the development of character. It requires a multitude of correct decisions for the everyday choices between good and evil."

Topics: heroes, mothers, fathers

(Howard W. Hunter, "True Greatness," Ensign, May 1982, 19-20)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Spirit of the Lord

"When we live our religion, when we walk according to the light of the Spirit of God, when we purge ourselves [of] impurity and corruption, and the sweet whispering of the Spirit of the Lord pours intelligence into our bosoms, broods over us, causing peace and joy to be with us, we have then, more or less, a faint glimpse of those things that are laid up for the faithful, and it is then we feel as though we and all that we have are in the hands of the Lord and that we are ready to offer ourselves [as] a sacrifice for the accomplishment of his purposes upon the earth."

(John Taylor, in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor [2001], 151)

Our Teachings Will Not Be Forgotten by Our Children

"We must understand that each of our children comes with varying gifts and talents. Some, like Abel, seem to be given gifts of faith at birth. Others struggle with every decision they make. As parents, we should never let the searching and struggling of our children make us waver or lose our faith in the Lord.

"Alma the Younger, when 'racked with torment . . . [and] harrowed up by the memory of [his] many sins,' remembered hearing his father teach about the coming of 'Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world' (Alma 36:17). His father's words led to his conversion. In like manner, our teaching and testimony will be remembered by our children."

Topics: temptation, faith, testimony

(Robert D. Hales, "Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty," Ensign, May 1999, 32)

The Blessings of Discipleship

"The blessings of discipleship are readily available to all who are willing to pay the price. Discipleship brings purpose to our lives so that rather than wandering aimlessly, we walk steadily on that strait and narrow way that leads us back to our Heavenly Father. Discipleship brings us comfort in times of sorrow, peace of conscience, and joy in service--all of which help us to be more like Jesus."

Topics: discipleship, peace, joy, service

(James E. Faust, "Discipleship," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 22 )

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Obtaining a Virtue

"Very often what God first helps us towards is not the virture itself but, rather the power of always trying again to obtain it."

(C.S. Lewis)

Winter Day FUN at the Cabin

What a way to enjoy the winter. Brighton suggested this trip to take advantage of a day she has off at the bank. Late Sunday night I was worried about making this happen. Weather has been very cold this last week and temperatures in Springville were at -4 on Sunday. I knew the mountains could be colder. After consulting with others my daughter was still able to talk me into going. It turned out to be a wonderfully cold day. Actually we were not so cold while we were involved with the activities. Temperatures inside the cabin were at 19 when we arrived. By the time the day was over I had warmed things up in the cabin to 45 degrees but as soon as we started to open and shut the door while preparing to leave I lost a couple of degrees. Anyway it was very fun as you may be able to see by some of the pictures included here.

Final preparations at the car for the outside cold
(Wendy and Kenzie)



Sarah and Ressa

Kylee, Wendy, Brighton, Tyler

Wendy, Kylee

Final road to cabin with cars parked

Work to get back up the hill after a fun run down PART 1

Work to get back up the hill after a fun run down PART 2
Not as easy as is looks as Kylee falls back down the hill

Tyler gives Brighton and Kylee a flying push

Wendy works her way back up the hill

Post push Tyler

Tyler meditates on the fun of being in the snow

Tyler shows off the latest in frosted beards

Tyler, Wendy, Kylee, and Brighton after a run

Brighton, Wendy, Kylee return from a road run

Tyler and ??

Great Mountain VIEW
behind Provo Peak

The road and mountains behind

The group returns from a run

Sarah and Ressa walk back with Dad

Let the chained together run(s) begin

The return from one of the last runs
before Dad was sent back to the cabin to prepare HOT chocolate

Winter Day at the CABIN (Part 2)

The first leg of the walk up to the cabin

The first switchback walking to the cabin

Just after the turn walking to the cabin

Almost there

Closer yet

Tyler poses for Dad by the cabin

Toward the zip line

Snow level on the back deck

Basketball court and trailer

Another view of the backside deck and slide

Sandwiches were prepared by the girls
(Brighton, Kylee, and Wendy)

Sandwiches must be good

<-- Getting warm by the stove -->
Warm is a relative term
as temperature maxed in the cabin at 45 degrees

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dallin -- Here I Lay

Dallin -- Here I Lay -- at Moe's Bar and Grill

The Importance of Patience

" 'Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best--better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than His' (Neal A. Maxwell
"Patience," Ensign, Oct. 1980, 28).

"We can grow in faith only if we are willing to wait patiently for God's purposes and patterns to unfold in our lives, on His timetable."

Topics: patience, faith

(Robert C. Oaks, "The Power of Patience," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 16-17 )

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Our Most Cherish Responsibility

"We should cherish and care for our children with unwavering dedication. The older we grow, the more precious our family becomes to us.

We come to see more clearly that all of the wealth, honor, and positions of the world pale in significance when compared to the precious souls of our loved ones. You young parents who are beginning your families must guard against seeking financial gain, worldly comforts, or achievement at the expense of your children. You must guard against being so anxious to get to work or to a meeting that you do not have time for your family, especially time to listen to anxious little voices. . . .

"We cannot and we must not allow the school, community, television, or even Church organizations to establish our children's values. The Lord has placed this duty with mothers and fathers. It is one from which we cannot escape and one that cannot be delegated. Others may help, but parents remain accountable."

Topics: children, family, values, responsibility

(M. Russell Ballard, "Teach the Children," Ensign, May 1991, 79-80)

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Eve Celebrations

Evening started by a visit to temple square. The Lott family had joined us for our routine. Temple Square was did not have all the groups performing that is usually does. Guess Sunday had something to do with that.

Sarah and Kenzie pose in the south visitors center
It was warm in here too.

Main Street Plaza Lights

Salt Lake Temple

Thayne, Bobbie, Kenzie, and Sarah
Salt Lake Temple in background

Christus in the Visitor Center

Manger on Temple Square

Salt Lake Temple

Sarah and Dad by the Salt Lake Temple

Back home again and we watched a movie to
take a little time and get us closer to 2007.
Then my kids
Alyssa, Brighton, Tyler and Sarah
helped with breakfast preparations.
Breakfast consisted of
German Pancakes, Bacon, Crepes,
Cinnamon Pull Aparts, Oranges and Juices.
Donuts were also available but not real popular.

Kylee, Brighton and Wendy
sitting by all the great breakfast stuff.

This years celebration was great.
Lots of good family and good friends.
Exciting to renew a fun family tradition after
one years absence.