Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Eve Celebrations

Evening started by a visit to temple square. The Lott family had joined us for our routine. Temple Square was did not have all the groups performing that is usually does. Guess Sunday had something to do with that.

Sarah and Kenzie pose in the south visitors center
It was warm in here too.

Main Street Plaza Lights

Salt Lake Temple

Thayne, Bobbie, Kenzie, and Sarah
Salt Lake Temple in background

Christus in the Visitor Center

Manger on Temple Square

Salt Lake Temple

Sarah and Dad by the Salt Lake Temple

Back home again and we watched a movie to
take a little time and get us closer to 2007.
Then my kids
Alyssa, Brighton, Tyler and Sarah
helped with breakfast preparations.
Breakfast consisted of
German Pancakes, Bacon, Crepes,
Cinnamon Pull Aparts, Oranges and Juices.
Donuts were also available but not real popular.

Kylee, Brighton and Wendy
sitting by all the great breakfast stuff.

This years celebration was great.
Lots of good family and good friends.
Exciting to renew a fun family tradition after
one years absence.

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