Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Our Most Cherish Responsibility

"We should cherish and care for our children with unwavering dedication. The older we grow, the more precious our family becomes to us.

We come to see more clearly that all of the wealth, honor, and positions of the world pale in significance when compared to the precious souls of our loved ones. You young parents who are beginning your families must guard against seeking financial gain, worldly comforts, or achievement at the expense of your children. You must guard against being so anxious to get to work or to a meeting that you do not have time for your family, especially time to listen to anxious little voices. . . .

"We cannot and we must not allow the school, community, television, or even Church organizations to establish our children's values. The Lord has placed this duty with mothers and fathers. It is one from which we cannot escape and one that cannot be delegated. Others may help, but parents remain accountable."

Topics: children, family, values, responsibility

(M. Russell Ballard, "Teach the Children," Ensign, May 1991, 79-80)

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