Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Winter Day FUN at the Cabin

What a way to enjoy the winter. Brighton suggested this trip to take advantage of a day she has off at the bank. Late Sunday night I was worried about making this happen. Weather has been very cold this last week and temperatures in Springville were at -4 on Sunday. I knew the mountains could be colder. After consulting with others my daughter was still able to talk me into going. It turned out to be a wonderfully cold day. Actually we were not so cold while we were involved with the activities. Temperatures inside the cabin were at 19 when we arrived. By the time the day was over I had warmed things up in the cabin to 45 degrees but as soon as we started to open and shut the door while preparing to leave I lost a couple of degrees. Anyway it was very fun as you may be able to see by some of the pictures included here.

Final preparations at the car for the outside cold
(Wendy and Kenzie)



Sarah and Ressa

Kylee, Wendy, Brighton, Tyler

Wendy, Kylee

Final road to cabin with cars parked

Work to get back up the hill after a fun run down PART 1

Work to get back up the hill after a fun run down PART 2
Not as easy as is looks as Kylee falls back down the hill

Tyler gives Brighton and Kylee a flying push

Wendy works her way back up the hill

Post push Tyler

Tyler meditates on the fun of being in the snow

Tyler shows off the latest in frosted beards

Tyler, Wendy, Kylee, and Brighton after a run

Brighton, Wendy, Kylee return from a road run

Tyler and ??

Great Mountain VIEW
behind Provo Peak

The road and mountains behind

The group returns from a run

Sarah and Ressa walk back with Dad

Let the chained together run(s) begin

The return from one of the last runs
before Dad was sent back to the cabin to prepare HOT chocolate

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