Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Trip to IDAHO to visit Aunts and Uncles

Wednesday we (Mom, Dad, Marcia and I) departed to go to Idaho Falls to visit mom's family. We were very lucky as the relatives that live far away were close and could meet in one location. Dinner was prepared by my Aunt Karen and Uncle Paul. The first couple of pictures were taken after Dinner but I decided they were the most important pictures I took. Wish the lighting was better but I still think they turned out okay.

Names from left to right
Linda (Bean) Butler, Wanda (Bean) Miller, Paul Bean
Ruth (Bean) Hansen, Arlene (Bean) Meservy,
Karma (Bean) Cox and Karen (Bean) Searle

Uncle Paul cooks up the chicken


After dinner and all the guests left Uncle Paul took us on a
tour of his farm. On the way back there was a cool
sunset. Pictures do not do it full justice.

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