Friday, April 06, 2007

Las Vegas Trip -- Day Two (Part 1)

Sarah, Stacie and Alyssa
Grab a bite to eat before touring the Hoover Dam

Traffic getting close the dam
Security is very tight since 9/11

Stacie, Alyssa and Sarah
From the parking garage

Power generation turbines
Nevada Side of Dam

Stacie, Alyssa and Sarah
In tunnel in rock around the dam

Dad, Alyssa, and Sarah
Overlook from the visitors center

Stacie, Alyssa, and Sarah
Over look from the visitors center

Power generation at the base of the dam


Another view of power generation stations below

I guess it's dangerous to climb on the wall at the dam

Sarah with water intake behind her

Hoover Dam

Alyssa and Sarah
Rubbing the toes is supposed to bring you good luck

Alyssa and Sarah
At the souvenir shop by the dam

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